Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter Four - And.... Printed!

With the lesson learned about editing and (hopefully) all the errors fixed up, moving towards the actual printing was quite quick. And for me at least, quite painless. Meanwhile poor Phillip at Creative Print Press was flat out like a lizard drinking (to use an old Australianism) with a number of other publications as well as mine all on the go at once.

After all my additional editing there were only two small matters that needed fixing up once I reviewed the proof copy. And what excitement it was to receive that proof in my email, along with the news confirming release date of October 8th.

Now it was time for a cover. I was asked for any input I might have but to be honest, I really didn't have any to give. I am not exactly the most graphically-adept individual.

Phillip sent through a design he had dreamed up. At first I was taken a little aback. The image featured the Grim Reaper but said Reaper did not appear in the story per se. But then I had a think about things for a bit. The story starts with death and ends with death. From that respect, Mr Reaper's presence was not so unexpected after all. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the cover and could not wait to see the real thing.

One thing lead to another and then, once more quite quickly, I received an email informing me that a proof copy had been received from the printer, that it had passed inspection at the publisher's end and a copy had been ordered to be sent all the way Down Under to me.

I do not mind admitting that I was pretty nervous and excited while waiting for that book to appear in the post. And suddenly, there it was - a flat, cardboard parcel in the post. And inside was my very own copy of my first book, resplendent with its shiny black cover.

Like a kid who has just received the biggest and best present of his life for Christmas, I was showing that copy off to everyone. I had to keep cleaning it because of the finger marks on the cover. I fondled it. Studied it. Admired the nice quality paper. Even sniffed that lovely new book smell.

Mine! All mine! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

Of course the real business only starts once the book is actually published. I rushed off an order to get my first lot of personal stock as I had a speculative fiction convention to attend and I wanted my little monster on one of the bookstalls.  With the POD technology for ordering and printing, that carton of stock took just under a week to be ordered, paid for and received at my end.

And as I am rather busy with some other things just now, this chapter is coming to an abrupt halt. Stay tuned for more.

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